Month: March 2024

  • What happiness

    I read in Reuters the other day about the annual World Happiness Report, launched in 2012 to support the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. How, you may ask, can I even think about commenting “world happiness” when Gaza….? Yes, the mere mention of “happiness” seems a bit obscene, these days, when we – the West…

  • Was Victoria a liability?

    Ms Nuland “retired” at the age of 62. I suppose she could afford it. Few people noticed her until her famous 2014 “fuck the EU” in a dialogue with the US Ambassador in Ukraine was leaked. The dialogue exposed US involvement in Ukraine in 2014. She was I suggest you take a look at Robert…

  • Sanctions

    I definitely don’t like the way women are treated in Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. And I most emphatically do not approve of putting dissidents in prison, either. And as for torture… no! no! no! (If you tortured me to force me to endorse torture, I would probably give in, but those who love me,…

  • Serpents in paradise

    I have been, and am still, stunned by the sadism of the Israeli government and its military — as well as by the US, UK, and German governments’ enthusiastic endorsement of genocide. Good heavens, what a bunch of psychopaths makes up the top echelons of our western societies! The events in Gaza recently prompted Craig…