This is definitely not the time to hold forth about my pet issues.
What’s more, I have no suggestions either to politicians or to members of the public. For once, I don’t feel I know best. The very fact that something like this could happen without the possibility of it’s doing so having occurred to me, feels very sobering.
I didn’t understand the maths of the situation. A friend of mine saw, from day 1, on the basis of the figures from Wuhan, how this “pandemic” would unfold. (The friend in question is one of those people who learnt to do calculus before he learnt to speak.)
What I have learnt from members of the public – what we are learning from each other – is to support one another, emotionally and practically.
But still, no matter how sheepish I feel, I am not ready to bury my battle axe. One pet issue demands the floor!
Covid-19 would not have been such a killer, if we had had:
- Satisfactory health care for all regardless of income
- Sanitary living conditions for all regardless of income
- Quality compulsory education and higher education /professional training, regardless of income
The Devil is in our ignorance.