Antropologiske betraktninger om pelshvaldrift

Tag: boikott Israel


A few hours ago the Israeli military butchered a fifteen year old unarmed Palestinian. This is the 12th child on the West Bank killed by Israeli soldiers so far this year.

On 13 August the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights) (OHCHR), wrote:

From the start of the year until the end of July 2021, Israeli military forces have killed 11 Palestinian children in the West Bank. This is more than the recorded deaths of Palestinian children under the occupation in all of 2020. As well, a reported 67 Palestinian children were killed in Gaza during the violence of May 2021.

Moreover, the OHCHR substantiates that the Israeli authorities will balk at nothing in order to prevent the truth from being known, even to its own citizens:

UN human rights experts have called on the Government of Israel to immediately return confidential documents and office equipment that its military seized from the offices of Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCIP) in Al-Bireh, in the occupied West Bank.

In recent years, DCIP has critically and reliably reported on the patterns of arrests, maiming and killings of Palestinian children by the Israeli military in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza. The silencing or hindering of these activities violates the fundamental human rights of expression and association, which Israel has committed itself to uphold through its ratification of the two 1966 International Covenants.

It is high time that the governments of the EU, the EEA, the UK and the US make it clear that no country that so blatantly disregards human rights can be considered an ally. By failing to do so the said governments will have been accessories before, during and after the facts, to heinous crimes against humanity that have been going on for decades. By failing to do so, they are, in fact, no better than the non-Western countries they so love to ridicule and denounce.


The body count is 121 and rising. By yesterday morning, 19 of the victims were children. I haven’t seen the figure for today. The words terrorism, racism, fascism etc have been so mangled for manipulative purposes that they are now utterly useless. We are left with no more than instruments of international law to describe the atrocities systematically committed again and again and again and again … forgive my lack of imagination – against the same people!

International charters insistently and doggedly violated by Israel include (but are in no way limited to) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which I believe even Israel implicitly ratified by the very fact that it was a UN member when the Declaration was signed, the Genocide Convention, ratified by Israel on 9 March 1950, and the Geneva Conventions 1-4 ratified by Israel in 1951 (though it hasn’t bothered about Protocols 1 and 2 (“As of April 2013, the Protocols had been ratified by 167 countries, with the United States, Turkey, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, and Iraq being notable exceptions” [source Wikipedia])

In general, Israel does not seem to care much for international treaties. This is clear from the fact that Israel (and Sudan and the US) were, but no longer are, parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. They simply signed out. (Hark ye, you guys, what company you keep!)

I am trying to reign in my tongue which, left to its own devices, would have lambasted Israel’s authorities, whipped them till there was not a sliver left of their precious self-righteous, vindictive, bigot dignity. Oops! There went my tongue.

Mind you, although I am neither from the US or Israel, I feel almost as much shame as anger and pain because of what the rest of us – the West – are – practically speaking – condoning. I suspect many of you do too. We have allowed this to happen, to continue happening with absolute impunity for many decades. We are accessories to the acts. Do you understand what I am saying? Do you understand what being accessory to genocide means, morally, I mean? You might want to think about that.

And don’t tell me that we have no choice! No of course I’m not referring to armed intervention!

We could simply refuse to do business with Israel. Not a blade of grass should we sell to or buy from Israel. Not a single product, soft or hard, not a single service, should we purchase or sell. Never mind the cost to our own economies!

Since we cannot prosecute them in the International Criminal Court, we should make it clear beyond any doubt what we think about genocidal, aparteid states. No Israeli passport should be allowed entry to the Schengen Area. Not one! Let them taste the medicine they have forced down Palestinian throats for decades: Let them feel what it’s like to be prisoners in their own country.

I am not saying that all Israelis are war criminals. Many of them are probably no more or no less war criminals than all of us who are passively accessory to the systematic and repeated impunity of the crimes committed. (But please note that since Israel is a so-called democratic state, the majority of its voters must have voted for its government.) Any Israeli who abhors Israel’s genocidal and apartheid policy should be welcome to apply for residence or citizenship in, for instance, my country. I shall welcome him/her.

Gjett hvilket land

Den 18. februar i år ble den palestinske ingeniøren Dirar Abu Sisi fra Gaza kidnappet da han ganske fredelig satt på toget mellom Kharkov og Kiev. (Det var vitner til kidnappingen.) Han ble altså kidnappet i Ukraina, men på vegne av et annet lands sikkerhetstjeneste. Han ble kidnappet, puttet i fengsel og forhørt i mange dager under forhold man helst ikke vil forestille seg.

Det fikk familien hans først vite 9 dager senere, da han fikk lov til å ringe sin kone noen sekunder, for å fortelle at han var i fangenskap. Han hørtes visst ganske medtatt ut.

Forsvarsadvokaten hans sier han innrømmet alt de ønsket å høre, for som hun sa «å få en slutt på det». «Forklaringen» hans er blitt frigitt. Der var det mye om bomber.

Min kilde BBC har ikke noen som helst tro på noe av det som står i forklaringen, særlig ikke det om bombene. BBC har lagt betydelig arbeid i å finne ut hva som kan være fakta i denne historien, og regner med at ingeniøren simpelthen ble tatt fordi han var på feil sted til feil tid.

Jeg kan ikke her fortelle deg hvilket lands myndigheter sto for kidnappingen og den antatte torturen av en mann som på grunnlag av en forklaring «for å bli ferdig med det» antakelig vil tilbringe størsteparten av livet i nevnte, eller rettere sagt unevnte, lands fengsel. Dersom jeg forteller hvilket land det er, vil noen helt sikkert påstå jeg er antisemittisk.

Roger Waters

“Du elsker meg ikke lenger!”

Hørt den før? I noen tilfeller er det virkelig slik at A ikke lenger elsker B. Men i mange tilfeller er det bare slik at B prøver å få viljen sin ved å antyde at A, ved ikke å elske nok, har lagt grunnen for skilsmisse. Det heter hersketeknikk og minner om Bush og Patriot Act: Støtter du oss ikke i dette, er du mot oss. Mest av alt minner det om Israel. (Vi som fordømmer Israels Palestina-politikk, er jo “antisemitter”.)

Det følgende er en tale til antisemitter:

Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with
the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
to the same diseases, heal’d by the same means,
warm’d and cool’d by the same winter and summer
as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us,
do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that.
If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility?
Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his
sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge.
The villainy you teach me, I will execute,
and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

Shakespeare oppsummerer situasjonen nokså godt her, synes jeg; på den ene siden hvem vi alle er når vi fødes, på den andre hva mange av oss – men heldigvis ikke alle – gjør når vi blir eldre. (Og legg merke til hvem vi ifølge Shakespeare har lært av!) Innen vi er kommet til skjells år og alder, er mange av oss nemlig blitt mishandlet. Ja, mange er sågar blitt døde. Resten av oss er i alle fall blitt indoktrinert. Det gjelder jøder, kristne, muslimer og sikkert også hinduer og buddister, ja, og ateister.

Jep, indokrinert. Hillary Clinton prøver for tiden å overtale lovgiverne til å bevilge mere penger til indoktrinering “to win people’s hearts and minds” rundt om i verden, og i den forbindelsen presterer hun å beklage at det i USA ikke finnes “real news”, at folk selv i USA derfor stadig oftere må ty til Al Jazeera. Clip fra Clinton’s tale:

Heller ikke i Norge er det mye å hente av “real news”, synes jeg. Det er og blir mitt og ditt ansvar å lete litt i det enorme sortimentet av kanaler de fleste av oss tross alt har tilgang på, etter noe som veier mer enn skum. Tungtveiende stoff finnes jo, vel og merke for den som ikke er indoktrinert til å tro at det vi ikke hører, trenger vi ikke vite.

Nå har jeg til en forandring funnet lett underholdning på Al Jazeera. De vet hva de gjør på den kanalen, altså: Hvem er det Al Jazeera presterer å komme trekkende med for å tiltrekke folk de tror kan tilhøre en potensiell lytterskare? Jo, Roger Waters, selveste Pink, som i Pink Floyd. I et 40-minutters intervju taler han om The Wall, nemlig Israels mur rundt okkupert territorium. Så ble det da Al Jaeera som lærte meg at mitt gamle pop-idol – å, jeg spiller enda Pink Floyd – i 2006 ble overtalt til å kansellere en konsert i Tel Aviv og i stedet ble Palestina-aktivist. Jeg kastet meg selvfølgelig over Youtube, og fant for eksempel denne:

Det var dessuten Roger Waters som gjorde meg oppmerksom på og agiterte for BDS – en global boikottbevegelse:

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