For a year now I’ve been wondering why the Norwegian authorities are so rabid about the Ukraine war. I mean, their faces don’t turn scarlet when they talk about the de facto genocide of the Palestinian people, the torture going on in Egyptian prisons or the suppression of women in Saudi Arabia. But Russia, now, that is another matter.

An air of fear seems to be wafting through the corridors of power, at least judging from Norwegian press updates about Ukraine. Why?

Are we preparing for war? Are we at war without our, the general public’s, knowing it? Why do the authorities seem so convinced that Russia will attack, and that we will be engulfed and eaten alive unless we become the 51st US state?

I really cannot understand all this hysteria – or could not – until now, since Norway and Russia have traditionally been on very amicable terms. Unfortunately, though, a Norwegian former prime minister has recently been running the NATO show that eventually, in my opinion, led to the fateful Russian invasion of Ukraine. He is pressing for more bombs, more tanks and possibly also long-range missiles and fighter jets to Ukraine. He is contributing in a massive way to the Ukraine disaster and to the destruction of Europe, and nobody in Norway is protesting. Nobody is asking difficult questions, not on the left nor on the right. At least no such protests and no such questions are heard in public. All dissent is suppressed in mainstream media.

But now I, too, am getting uneasy. Sending food, medicines, blankets, hospital equipment, etc. to a war-torn country constitutes “humanitarian assistance”, something that in everyday speech could be termed “the only decent thing to do”. But now we are gifting weapons to Ukraine, yes, and tanks, and that is something altogether different. I, too, now need to remind myself, every time we have a power outage, that we have been having some pretty strange and difficult weather recently and that Russia is not responsible for the weather.

Only today, though, have I realised that Russia might have good reason to retaliate in a very serious way against Norway. Very good reason indeed.

Of course the Norwegian and US authorities have respectively rejected Seymour Hersh’s allegation as “utterly false and complete fiction” and “nonsense”, and the Norwegian media have hardly mentioned it all. One Norwegian paper ran a short article explaining that building a story on information from a single anonymous source was poor journalism. (I put to you that in view of the penalties for whistle-blowing in the US, you would have to be terminally ill to risk informing a journalist of anything at all.) Apart from that, we should all have learnt that whatever President This or Prime Minister That says about what is, or is not, true can safely be disregarded at all times.

In view of President’s Biden’s September statement about Nord Stream 2, US involvement in the sabotage should not come as a surprise to anyone. Norway’s involvement, however, is a bit of a shock, since that effectively means that Norway is a legitimate target for Russian retaliation.

I would say, then, that whoever authorised Norway’s participation (unbeknownst to the general public, not to mention the national assembly) should be indicted of treason and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Note that Seymour Hersh, who has won a number of prestigious prizes for his journalism, including the Pulitzer Prize, has for some time found it necessary to publish his work on Substack, just as, for example Glenn Greenwald. Seymour Hersh appears to be neither right-wing or left-wing. He describes himself merely as an “investigative” journalist. His departure from NY Times and Washington Post is indicative of something, do you not agree?