Month: May 2019

  • Ikke helsvart

    Jeg har i mange år vært opptatt av et fag jeg ikke har snøring på, samfunnsøkonomi. Jeg har faktisk lest et par-tre bøker for å bøte litt på min uvitenhet, og jeg piner meg av og til gjennom en og annen avisartikkel om emnet. Her er min oppsummering av noe av det jeg mener å…

  • Where do we get our facts?

    You might be wondering how come a person who pretends to care passionately about human rights (in every which interpretation) hardly ever refers to the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya from Myanmar. Very simple: I have no first-hand knowledge of the past and ongoing crimes apparently committed not only by the army and government but even…

  • Cockroach rhetoric

    I assume we have all heard exclamations such as “He treats her like an animal!”. I have even read somewhere that Amazon treats its workers “like animals”. However, more and more often, I find that this sort of juxtaposition of animals and humans is not quite to the point. I suggest substituting the word “animal”…

  • Please, please, please turn the ship around

    Janet doesn’t want to have children because she cannot bear the thought of the future she imagines would await them. Her mother angrily tells her not to be “so silly!” though she cannot explain what’s so silly about her daughter’s well-founded fears. The fifteen-year-old in the house next door is playing truant today, to go…