Month: March 2020

  • Selvmål

    Pelshvalen er tilbake på våre breddegrader. Jeg hører den synger. Luften er jo blitt litt renere nå som følge av Corona-tiltak; kanskje også havet? Eller forresten, er det virkelig sang jeg hører? En venn i det hardt Corona-rammede Spania og jeg kommuniserer en del for tiden, her vi sitter i hver vår “sosiale avstand”, han…

  • Not dead yet

    This is definitely not the time to hold forth about my pet issues. What’s more, I have no suggestions either to politicians or to members of the public. For once, I don’t feel I know best. The very fact that something like this could happen without the possibility of it’s doing so having occurred to…

  • Super Tuesday

    It’s Super Tuesday. Today I met a friend from the United States. We had lunch together. She was worried. I was worrid too. We both worry, of course, that Donald Trump might be given a new chance to continue his mission of global wreckage. But we worry in different ways. President Trump blatantly disregards the…