Category: Elegy

  • May 17

    This year, waking up on 17 May brought to mind a Cat Stevens song: Morning has broken, like the first morningBlackbird has spoken like the first bird I had to look up the text, and saw then, that it is essentially a hymn of gratitude. No matter. The song is beautiful, and the sunlit morning…

  • Break

    I’ll be taking a break now for a while. I have to devote some time elsewhere, in my own language, which is Norwegian. Besides, as far as I’m concerned, there’s not much more to be said about the Ukraine war and the lies we so relentlessly are being spoon-fed by the mainstream press. There is…

  • The Dog and I – part II

    About four months ago I stumbled across an add that ran approximately so: “Please take this dog. She needs family. I can’t keep her.” It had evidently been written by a foreigner. Now, I had no intention of getting a dog. The problem was that the picture of the dog in question looked very much…

  • The Left or…

    I have mentioned several times, on these pages, a remarkable book written by what must be a remarkable man: “LESS IS MORE’” by Jason Hickel. No book that I ever read had a more profound effect on me. Reading it, I realised I had been wrong on a number of issues. By the way, discovering…

  • Fifty years since 9/11

    … the one in Chile, the US-orchestrated disaster that opened some Western eyes to US foreign policy. What we should have understood back then – but most of us didn’t – was that many countries, including my own, have both an official and an unofficial foreign policy. In the case of the USA and my…

  • La semana trágica

    No language can compete with Spanish when it comes to heartbreaking titles (surely you will admit that “The tragic week” isn’t up to much). There must be hundreds, if not thousands, of tragic weeks scattered throughout the pages of history, even (or rather, not least) recent history, yet my search engine only returns results from…

  • Inquisition

    So what if I were wrong. What if there was no US-supported coup in Ukraine in 2014? What if the Ukraine war is not a proxy war waged by the USA against Russia? Does that mean that such suspicions, such suggestions, such ideas should be banned from all mainstream and social media on the grounds…

  • Pelshval?

    While I was rebuilding this website after it collapsed like a house of cards a couple of weeks ago, it occurred to me that perhaps I should finally explain a thing or two: What is pelshval? Or who? And what is he, she or it doing here? The Norwegian word “pelshval” means furry whale. There…

  • Hubris

    In 1809, Napoleon’s troops surrounded Vienna, bombarded the city for 24 hours or so, until it surrendered. By then, the local aristocracy, of which there was more than enough to go around, had long driven off in their splendid equipages to go and visit aristocratic relatives in other duchies, princedoms and kingdoms, whereas the dismayed…

  • Social cohesion

    No matter where you turn for information and guidance, these days, at least in my country, journalists and commentators are sure to raise their arms as a sign, not of innocence but of ignorance. “I don’t know,” they say, “I have no idea what will happen,” they say. Obviously, they would never declare such ignorance…