Tag: Palestine

  • The brave 12

    In the USA, 12 brave men and women have resigned their posts as United States government officials in protest over the part the USA is playing in the war against Palestine in general and the population of Gaza in particular. On 2 July, they issued and signed a JOINT STATEMENT explaining why they did so.…

  • A fitting name

    Genocide Joe. I like the sound of it. Craig Murrey firmly believes that the USA and vassal states in Europe actually want to hasten the extermination of Palestinians in Palestine. His argument is sound, I think: Discontinuing aid to UNRWA would require the following in each country: Views would have to be coordinated through written…

  • The News

    As usual, every morning, I check Reuters, UPI, AP. What are they saying? What are they telling the US population and the press in the USA’s satellite states in Europe? Every morning I hope “this day will be different”. Every morning I muse: “Surely, somebody will say, ‘This is it! I can’t take anymore!’”, and…

  • A Christmas Carol

    I wept in front of Al Jazeera television for much of the holiday. That is the long and the short of it. I still feel numb and shaken. The horror of what we have witnessed – are still witnessing – the evil of it, is beyond anything I had been able to fathom. I check…

  • The dog and I

    I have a dog. I’ve almost always had a dog. Big dog, small dog – no matter – I’m rather good at training dogs. Dogs, you see, are basically quite like humans. You tell a dog to “sit”, and the dog will sit. You tell the dog not to sniff the neighbour’s shoes – “the…

  • Land of no return

    I watched the news today. Usually, I just read the news, but there was something I wanted to see, so I watched. Yes, I saw the news item I wanted to see. Afterwards, however, that news item was followed by news from Gaza. It is bad enough reading about people being killed. But seeing people…

  • Yes, but…

    To quote the Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem: Abandoning the basic moral principle that all human beings were created equal (“b’tselem elohim”) is a loss of humanity. The Israeli state (with US and EU support), the Zionist movement and Israeli settlers on the occupied West bank have been treating Palestinians as inferior creatures for decades.…

  • Back to Palestine

    While the war in Ukraine has engulfed most of our attention, the plight of Palestinians in Gaza, the occupied territories, and Jerusalem has grown dramatically worse. Almost every day, one or multiple Palestinians are killed. The paragraph I just wrote is no different from what you might read in any mainstream paper. What is missing…

  • Anger

    I am just a common inhabitant in a country of just five million – just one country of 195. I live in the West – i.e. the part of the world that makes up just 15 per cent, or so, of the world’s population. Countries in the West take orders from an infinitesimal minority of…

  • This is Apartheid

    There isn’t much good news going around, but when a prominent Israeli humanitarian organisation uses the word, maybe people will finally listen. No need to expound. BTSELEM explains it all very clearly here:https://www.btselem.org/publications/fulltext/202101_this_is_apartheid Please do read the entire report. It’s important to understand on what grounds the word is found to be applicable. Here is…